New ‘country visits’ section on the website of the Department for the Execution of ECtHR judgments

A new section is now available on the website of the DEJ. This section, called “Upcoming missions by the Department”, is available directly from the homepage of the DEJ, and provides dates of planned missions of DEJ lawyers in the countries.

EIN has been advocating for such information to be made public, in order to increase the interaction between NGOs present in the field, and the DEJ lawyers during their country visits. We are therefore very happy about this positive development, and encourage all EIN members and partners to make use of this information to advocate for their recommendations with regard to implementation of ECtHR judgments in their country.
The EIN Secretariat will monitor the DEJ website and inform relevant NGOs about upcoming visits.

We are grateful to the DEJ for their engagement on this issue and for continual reforms to enable input from civil society into the implementation monitoring process. 

The Department for the Execution of Judgments website can be found here.