Training Seminar - Strengthening the implementation of Strasbourg court judgments through Rule 9 submissions: What role for NGOs?

This week we hosted a training seminar titled Strengthening the implementation of Strasbourg court judgments through rule 9 submissions: What role for NGOs? This online training took place with the University of Padova in Italy on the 22nd of March 2023.

In the first session, Agnès Ciccarone, EIN Programme Manager, provided welcoming remarks, introduced the session and invited participants to introduce themselves. Following the introduction, George Stafford, EIN Director discussed why NGOs and civil society should advocate for the implementation of judgments.

Next, Ioana Iliescu, EIN Law and Advocacy Officer, held a presentation regarding the key elements of the implementation process of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, and the Committee of Ministers’ execution process. Each session was followed by a Q&A session.

The second session focused on drafting Rule 9 Submissions. Agnès Ciccarone, EIN Programme Manager, provided participants with advice for making Rule 9 submissions.

The final training session of the day concluded with an exercise giving participants the opportunity to discuss how they would engage with the implementation of the ECtHR judgments focusing on the following cases:

  • Nedim Şener Group of Cases v. Turkey, which concerns pre-trial detention of individuals, mainly journalists, on serious charges, such as aiding and abetting a criminal organisation or attempting to overthrow the constitutional order;

  • G.L. v Italy, which concerns the inability for an autistic child to receive specialised learning support to which she was entitled by law, in first two years of primary school.

We thank everyone who joined the event, and we hope to see your submissions and engagement with the implementation of ECtHR judgments in the future.