EIN online Extraordinary General Assembly

EIN Extraordinary General Assembly took place online on Friday 18th December 2020. It was facilitated by the Chair of EIN, Başak Çalı.

The topics covered during the assembly were as follows:

-        the Chair of EIN, Başak Çalı, provided introductions and welcoming remarks. 

-        Explanation and vote on the Proposal of the Board to postpone the General Assembly to summer 2021, latest end of 2021

-        EIN also welcomed new members to the network since the last General Assembly, which included:

o   ACCEPT Association

o   International Commission of Jurists

o   Open Society Fund Prague

o   Validity

o   GYLA

o   CILD

o   Human Rights House Zagreb

o   Human Rights Monitoring Institute

o   Association for the Protection of Constitutionality and Legality (UZUZ)

o   Promo-LEX

o   Anne-Katrin Speck

o   Ramute Remezaite

-        Information about changes in EIN Governance

-        Initial consideration of the follow-up to the EIN External Evaluation

-        Başak Çalı provided the concluding remarks.

We thank those who took part in the Extraordinary General Assembly and hope to see all EIN members in a full assembly during 2021.

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